Random thoughts from an American during his 2nd trip to Europe
Written on September 5, 2014
in Uncategorized
I have a confession to make… I never had any desire to visit Europe. Suffering from a combination of overzealous Team Americanism and a preference for visiting sites of natural beauty like the Painted Desert or Ventana Wilderness, I just did not see the point. Kathryn practically had to force me to
Scruggbugg Corner
Written on August 26, 2014
in Friends and Family
A big thank you to my sister-in-law for helping us get off the ground. She is a fantastic writer and author of http://scruggbugcorner.com/. Please go check her out for some great advice, cool projects, and, at times, serious belly laughs. http://scruggbugcorner.com/
Written on August 21, 2014
in Uncategorized
Welcome to BustingOurBunns! We are excited to bring a blog about our family’s experiences with home renovations, furniture fixing, and general do-it-yourselfyness. This site is brand-new and under construction, but please keep checking back with us!